Friday, March 2, 2012

E is for Eagerness

I don't know why I chose the word 'eager', or 'eagerness' for that matter. But I do believe it has a lot to do with my path as an eclectic pagan and a witch. In order to be able to learn new things within my path, with zeal and vigour, I believe I need to be eager as well.

Also, I believe eagerness is a key to be successful in any endeavor, including spirituality. If you are not eager to learn and expand, then how on earth do you plan on growing in whatever path you have chosen for yourself? With eagerness comes the risk of having your spirits dampened by something you were mistaken of, but hey, that's life, right? It's full of disappointments and happiness, we can only accept that.

But what am I going on about? Eagerness is very important to have in the craft, I believe it is one of the essential driving forces within seeking knowledge within our own paths as Pagan, Wiccan, Witch, etc.


Friday, February 17, 2012

D is for Diviniation

Okay, so this is my first for the pagan blog project lol, I have been bad at keeping up my blog, so I figured that stating this would help me along. :)
So, D is for Divination!!
I chose this word because it is something I am trying to irk in. I used to be very good with my Tarot deck, but ever since I have stopped to irk on my herbs, it has been hard getting into Tarot again. I have been working on it though, and I am starting to get better at it again, I am trying to use my oracle deck less and my Tarot more.. And I even made my own time set, perhaps I am in over my head? Perhaps, but I don't have a time book.. But I hope Roger one eventually.. There are a lot of books I need. But I am starting to work in my Tarot, I have there sets so far. One of them is a really rare set I got for 60$.
I am really excited about working with my Tarot deck
I also have a pendulum bit I have yet to work with that. In fact I have two, one amethyst and the other being metal. I have worked with the metal one a few times and I find that it works well for me. :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Okay, Let's Do This

Yeah, I'm really bad at keeping up with my blog.. I Blame it on the fact that as an English major, I am reading books and poetry all the time. I'm taking 4 literature classes, there of which are upper level.. Whooo.. But anywho, I had a meditation with Hekate last night because I felt like sh e has been growing distant the past week or so , so I decided to meditate her to see what's up. When I did meditate with her, she told me it was because she knew I would come to her to see what was the matter. She knows me all too well. Another reason why,she purposefully distanced herself is because I haven't made enough time for her either. Well thanks to her, I was spurred to find,the time. She had a message,for me. I have this thing bothering me, that has been bothering me and haunting me since,I was 14. So about 6 years now. She told me it was time to banish it once and for all on the night of the dark moon. She said she would be there with me, to lend,her power and protection. She also told be that my patron Shiva would be,there to destroy the stagnant thing thRu is blocking me from getting in touch with my higher self and bring about the new, more psychically attuned me. Also, that my deities of the month, Isis and Wepawet would be there too. I had a feeling,that,this is what she wanted to talk to me about, since I,have this feeling of blockage and she,has been,showing my spiritual path as being,disrupted by large boulders. So we will see how this goes!! I orders some spell candles, black and,drsgonsblood resin for the incense,I will be making. This,is my second,banishing I have ever some and the first,one,went very,smoothly. Wish me luck guys!!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I'm Back!

I apologize to anyone who reads or follows my blog, as you can tell I have been absent for a long while. This is mainly due to issues concerning my laptop, lots of bugs and viruses and hardware issues, it was just one giant mess but it is fixed now!
There have been a lot of changes in my life recently, and I think that they are all for the better, I am going to a new university that is larger, cheaper and offers a lot more than my other college did so those are all good things, though I admit I will mist my friends as well as some of my professors. I am currently going through a time in my life where I am trying to get a job, but to no avail. No worries, I will get one eventually. :)

Just recently this past Thursday, I went to temple with my very wonderful and close friend Susan. It is a place that houses many religions, though the ceremony we had attended was the Tibetan Buddhist one that follows the path of Chenrezig, or otherwise known as the lord of compassion. I was astonished that each type of Buddhism, especially Tibetan, had its own minor sects, or tracts one can practice. The one we went to followed the teachings of Chenrezig in particular. I was also surprised that there were different form of Buddhas other than the Chinese and Tibetan forms, there is also a female Buddha as well who has many different arms and comes in two different colors, green and white which stands for longevity in life. I know I will be going back next Thursday to learn more and to see what it is like, though I admit I don't think I would ever become Buddhist or stick to any one religion, it makes me feel too confined. I like the spiritual freedom of being able to pick and choose what I like.

On another note, I am working with two deities this month and have already learned a lot from them! This month I am focusing on the Sumerian deities Inanna who is the great mother goddess of fertility, love and war, along with Utu, the god of the wind and the sun. I have already done some meditation with them and they have very clear messages to say to me. Inanna telling me to go one with the banishing spell I have been meaning to do and she tells me to stick up for myself more often. Utu as well is a god of activations and tells me it is time to start my projects.

This will be a very interesting month!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Thanksgiving, Dark Moon and Banishings

Hello everyone! I know I am really bad at keeping up with this blog, I have usually been bad at blogging in general because naturally I am not much of an open person when it comes to social networking, but I feel like this is a good practice for me because it helps me to open up as a person and it also helps me to reflect upon myself and how much I have grown. I used to keep a diary, but like with blogging, that usually never turned out so well either!

First off, I would love to wish everyone a blessed Thanksgiving day! If you don't celebrate this holiday, then I just hope you have a wonderful day in general! Today I am celebrating it with immediate family members and also with friends of the family that I personally do not know very well because my family became friends with them during my year and a half at my current college. Though, perhaps I will get to know everyone better once I transfer closer to home! I am just taking a little break from everything right now because sad to say, when it becomes my special "time" of the month, I become moderately depressed, nothing to severe but it just makes me want to be by myself at times and just cuddle in my bed and watch movies! :) But as this is the day of family and giving thanks, I feel the obligation to spend the time with my family whom I am very thankful for!

Now, not only is Thanksgiving today, but tomorrow night is the Dark Moon, Nov 25. But seeing as I am having a whole bunch of friends that I have not seen in a long time coming over tomorrow, I will be having my ritual tonight. Now the Dark Moon is a time for rejuvenation, for banishing of the old and welcoming the new and change as well. So tonight, not only will I honor Hekate who is my matron goddess and the goddess of change, but I will be doing a banishing spell on the negativity that I cannot seem to shake. It revolves around a person in my life who is very self absorbed and thinks she can do nothing wrong and that everyone else is wrong and she tries to make everyone pity her and hate the victim. Well she has been doing this to me, with no good reason. I try to be civil and such and I just brush it off, but my tolerance with her lying and rudeness towards me is dwindling down to the last straw.

In order to help me last the two weeks in which I have to return to college, I am going to do a banishing of the negativity in my life that is revolved around her so that my emotions of irritation can be replaced with pity for the person because all she is doing is harming herself and others around her and she really has no clue and I feel sorry for her because of that. Also, I recently stumbled upon a quote by the Dalai Lama that was very inspiring,

“You must not hate those who do wrong or harmful things;
but with compassion, you must do what you can to stop them —
for they are harming themselves, as well as those who suffer from their actions.” 

― Dalai Lama XIV

This quote inspires me, I have always looked up to the role the Dalai Lama has played in humanity and it inspires me to do my best to be as compassionate and as forgiving as I can be. Though unfortunately me I have not reached Nirvana and therefore it is tougher for me to be as altruistic sometimes, but I am doing my best and I aspire to get there some day!

So, to help me become more of an altrusitic and compassionate person, I am going to banish the negativity. I have tried to meditate and make a conscious effort to get rid of this negativity myself without the aid of magic, but as I've said, my tolerance is almost gone and it is really hard for me to shake the feeling of resentment I get when thinking of this person because of all the wrong she has done to me and all the pain and stress she has caused.

I'm doing a simple paper burning ritual and burning banishing incense. I have never done one of these before because usually I was able to get over it because I didn't see the person 24/7. In this case, I am seeing the person all the time and her negativity just fills up the apartment and makes it had to sleep no matter what cleansing I have done.

On a lighter note, I really hope you guys have a wonderful night. <3

Namaste and Bright Blessings!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

I'm really bad!

I'm really bad at posting on my blog, I'm really sorry guys! I have been so busy these past couple of weeks! I just had time to post two videos onto my new channel last night and things have just been really difficult! I'm having issues with my roommate, and it isn't only me. She is very self absorbed to the point she doesn't see that she is pushing everyone away. I am also missing home like crazy! I am actually hoping to transfer to a new university next semester that will allow me to live at home, find a part time job and  is just cost effective!

If you haven't heard about my new channel on YouTube, it is named after this blog, SolitaryWitchTracks. The reason why I made the new channel is that I went through a huge spiritual transformation/shift. I used to consider myself a Wiccan, yet for the past two months or so, I have been growing uncomfortable calling myself a Wiccan and I felt spiritually confined and penned up in a little box. Now I consider myself and eclectic Pagan and I currently draw ideologies from Hinduism and Buddhism, but I want to look into my ancestry and pull from that. Right now I am looking into my mother's side, she is Filipino and my great grandmother was an Ifugao, or an indigenous Filipino and I really like what I have been reading up on so far! The most I know right now is the native dance rituals which were taught to me when I was younger. I think it would be really amazing to draw from that.

Once I am able and have the money, I want to start looking into the paternal lineage of my family. I know the origination of my last name is from the UK such as Britain, Ireland and Germany.  I'm curious to see if my ancestors on that side had any great spirituality, I am also curious to find out if I have any ancestors who were Native Americans as I would love to start learning about Native American spirituality and beliefs.

Lately I have felt that I have been in a spiritual rut, that is until today. I was in the middle of doing homework for World Literature I and had an epiphany on how I view the divine and the universe through my new spiritual path. I will have to post the notes I made in another post, but for now I will keep this a simple update.

I love having Hekate as my matron goddess and I am finalyl starting to find my own roots as an eclectic Pagan and Witch, wish me luck! Brightest Blessings, Namaste and love and light to you. :)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dedication Ceremony & Pagan Pride Day

I finally did it! Yay! Sorry i haven't posted anything in a while, been super busy in trying to catch up with my college assignments and getting back into the schedule that is college after my short break. During my break, during a waning moon I finally had my dedication ceremony to my now Matron goddess Hekate. There is a funny story behind all this actually. Now, as some of you may know, I have been practicing Wicca for about 6 or 7 years, give or take a couple of months. Now, since the  beginning of my practice, I was interested in the goddess Hekate. Though, unfortunately, like many others before and behind me, I did not do enough research into her and went by her misconceptions which shied me away from her. Perhaps maybe it was also because I was not ready for her at such a young age.

Either way, my first matron goddess was Cerridwen, then I moved on to Bastet, Brigid and now Hekate. For the past half year, I have been hearing a calling from the goddess ever since I watched Pagyptsian's video about the Right of her Sacred Fire to honor Hekate. Instantly a light went up in me and my interest was sparked again. The reason why I haven't dedicated myself to her until now is because I was still unsure if I was ready or not, though, by  now you can definitely say that I am!

My dedication ceremony was exquisite and wonderful. It involved the Rite of Her Sacred Fire among a few other things that I put together and made up to my own liking and comfort. The connection I feel with my Mother goddess is so strong, pure and secure, that I feel almost invincible in it. I feel very protected by her, seeing as she is a protectress of women and children, and I feel so intune and in harmony with who I am as a person because Hekate helps us to accept all aspects of ourselves. She also helps us to be less judgmental of others, to judge justly and try to see things from the perspective of others. She also helps us to accept change and the darker parts of ourselves.

Though, as a goddess, Hekate is not for the feint of heart. She is very strong and powerful, though she hasn't been forceful to me. She has been sort of distant, but more as an over seer who is watching their person, making sure they are okay and will occasionally nudge them in the right direction.

Today I went to the Roanoke Pagan Pride day in Roanoke, Virginia. It was absolutely amazing! It was the first time I have ever been to a Pagan festival, mainly because there are not any where I live and this one was the first one at Roanoke! Because of this, it was kind of small but enjoyable none the less!

I bought many, beautiful and wonderful things, such as a citrine necklace with many citrine stones! I also bought a new mortar and pestle, some incense, a dream catcher with a moonstone in it, tongs for my charcoal tablet as well as a scrying mirror! I am so excited to use it! If you click on the GIF under my banner, it will take you to my YouTube channel and you can see the many wonderful things I bought yesterday!

Another thing I would like to mention is the amazing experience I had. The woman I bought the mortar and pestle from is also a psychic and I told her I was interested in buying some of her spell candles. She said they were two for 1$, so I thought, why not? She asked me what colors I was going to pick and the first one I picked was the white one and she said "Really?" and so I asked her what colors she would pick for me she picked the white one and a light blue one. She said she picked those two because when she was around me, those were the energies she was receiving for me. The white being purity and the light blue being healing. I thought that was pretty amazing!

All in all, I had a wonderful time with my best friend and sister, Mandy. Unfortunately we did not get to join any rituals, but that's alright. We had fun. :)